The World’s Last White Giraffes Are Slaughtered


There is no end to animal slaughter in the world. The last two white giraffes living on earth were killed by poachers in Kenya. Kenyan Ishaqbini officials Hirola Community Protection upset people, confirming that the giraffes who survived in the park died.

Spotless giraffes killed by poachers were a rare species on earth. When the giraffes’ ruins were found, the investigators were really amazed. One of the killed giraffes was a mother and a baby. The scaffolds found showed that giraffes were killed for an average of 4 months ago.

Major News Organizations Make News

Rare white giraffes were only in the sacred area of ​​Ishaqbini and in the Tanzanian park. Discovered by a local villager about 3 years ago, giraffes surprised the whole world, while news from high-circulation news organizations such as National Geographic, USA Today, Guardian.

Moreover, with the killing of giraffes, all genetic studies were wasted in the region where genetic researches were conducted. The giraffes, which are 15 feet (5.48 cm) in length, live in the desert and woodland for about 15 years. The oldest giraffe recorded by the wilderness took its place at the age of 30.

Pigmentation Problem

Rare giraffes, who take their patternless, white skin from the genetic status of pigmentation called leukism, are very similar to alpinization. In some cases, however, the eyes and soft tissues of these rare animals are of normal color.

The giraffe cubs are vulnerable, but when they are several months old, they are quite easy prey, especially by nature’s most predatory animals, lions, tigers, and hyenas. Only about half of the giraffe cubs born in the wild win the life war in their early years.